Projekti S.W.A.N. ekosistemi inovativ per Ballkanin Mesdhetar

Edhe pse ka patur dhe ka shumë iniciativa ricikluese të përdorimit të cikleve të produkteve ekzistuese dhe të teknologjisë rikuperuese, ende ekzistojnë burime të rëndësishme mbetjesh dhe materialesh, të cilat kërkojnë adresim të mëtejshëm për shkak të veshtirësisë (kostos dhe kompleksitetit) të riciklimit të tyre, volumit të madh të tyre si dhe të gjurmës së tyre të karbonit.

Në këtë kontekst, Shqipëria do të jetë pjesë e një platforme dixhitale rajonale të menaxhimit të mbetjeve të ngurta jo të rrezikshme, të prodhura dhe të perdorura nga industritë e ndryshme. Kjo do të bëhet e mundur me anën e projektit SWAN (Platforma dixhitale për ripërdorimin e mbetjeve të ngurta për Balkanin), i cili është një projekt që financohet nga fondet e BE dhe Fondet Kombëtare të vendeve pjesëmarrëse të Ballkanit Mesdhetar si Shqipëri, Greqi, Qipro dhe Bullgari.



Assignment Name Supported by


Protected Areas for Nature & People, Albania

  • Evaluation of environmental policies in protected areas;
  • Assessing the involvement of communities and their access to natural resources;
  • Increase community presence regarding the management of PAs.
  •  National and international networking of local actors, with the aim of spreading best practices for environmental actions and sustainable management of natural resources
WWF Adria


Community Involvement Assessment (CIA) in Protected Areas

It was a survey designed to gather information about the current level of engagement between local communities and protected areas across the Dinaric Arc region. The Park Dinarides Association with WWF Adria, through the Protected Areas for Nature and People project, are working together to strengthen the relationship between protected areas and their local communities. It is widely recognised that through partnership and cooperation with local communities improved economic, environmental and social benefits will be achieved.There were two questionnaires: one designed to capture information from the protected area perspective and a second one designed to capture information from the local communities

WWF Adria


Study on Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests in Albania.

The main objective of the project is; Protecting biodiversity by protecting and promoting Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests in Albania. Another important goal is the proclamation of the old beech forest in Albania as protected areas, part of the UNESCO World Heritage and/or Wilderness Europe site.



Promoting and addressing the sustainable use of natural resources and values in protected areas:

Assessing the environmental and social impact in Dajti National Park in Tirana and Protected Landscape Mali me Gropa-Bize-Martanesh

REC (Regional Environmental Center)


a digital Solid Waste reuse plAtform for BalkaN – SWAN”

Material management is recognized by European policymakers as a mean of decreasing impacts of waste and reducing raw material inputs to the economy (Directive 2008/98/EC). Many recycling initiatives reached a plateau of using existing product cycles and recovery technology. Still, there are key waste streams and materials that need to be further addressed due to the difficulty (cost and complexity) of recycling them, their large volume and their carbon footprint.

For more info, please see at:

Interreg V-B Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020


Study on environmental and social impact of stone mining activities in Dajti National Park REC (Regional Environmental Center)


Study on designation of Peza Regional nature Park (Category IV of IUCN) REC (Regional Environmental Center)


Revision of the list of NATURA 2000 habitats and species present in Albania and assessment of the status of knowledge on each of the habitats and species of the list.
The objective of the IPA 2013 “Strengthening national capacities in nature protection – preparation for Natura 2000 network” project for Albania is to halt biodiversity loss through improved management of Protected Areas in Albania. It has two specific objectives:
1) the implementation  of the management plans for at least 5 selected Protected Areas and
2) the preparation of a preliminary list  of Natura 2000 sites for the country  in  view of their future submission to the  EC  by the Albanian authorities.
Ministry of Environment



Adriatic HOLISTIC project – protection of forest from fires Faculty of Forestry Sciences